Category: Press

Would you like a poem with that? Buy a pizza, get some poetry at New Orleans restaurants

April 6, 2016

“The young poet’s subject matters range from lighthearted, such as annoying brothers and food, to more serious subjects, such as family issues and discrimination.”

The Times-Picayune wrote an article about the Pizza Poetry Project and the “magical pairing” of the two things everyone loves: youth writing and pizza. Poetry is playful, fun, and free in structure, allowing it to be a highly accessible form of writing for young people. Also, kids loves pizza. Read the full article here.



Big Class Makes Big Impact On Kids’ Writing

November 13, 2014

“When I’m in Reading class, I think of a good poem, my light bulb just goes off,” Akilah tells me. “And I’m like I can’t wait to write this in Big Class. And I get so excited. I come here and I’m like woo-hoo!”

New Orleans Public Radio wrote a great piece on Big Class as a safe third space for kids to explore creative ideas and hone their writing skills in the midst of a test-drive education culture. Read the full article:

Pizza and Poetry, Together at Last

April 18, 2014

“Unless you count Dean Martin’s “That’s Amore,” pizza and poetry don’t often intersect. But today, customers in Oakland and New Orleans will get an order of stanzas delivered with their slices.”

Food & Wine Magazine did a great write-up of the Pizza Poetry Project and our friends at the 510 Project in Oakland, CA! See the full article: