
826 Digital

826 New Orleans is a proud contributor to 826 Digital, an ever-expanding collection of lessons, projects, writing prompts, and student work that brings the 826 Network’s unconventional and engaging approach to teaching writing online.


Explore 826 Digital’s educator-created and student-approved resources.

Unfathomable City

826 New Orleans educators created the project-based writing and social studies curriculum for Unfathomable City: A New Orleans Atlas. You can also find these lessons on 826 Digital.


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Throughout the year, we share lesson plans for projects like Pizza Poetry and Good Troublemakers on our blog.

Me In This Moment

Me In This Moment is a personal narrative writing project. Over the course of six lessons, young people will tell the story of a memorable moment in their lives. Lesson One – A timeline of memorable moments In the first lesson, we hear from acclaimed author Jason Reynolds, who explains his thinking behind how he […]