Unfathomable City Curriculum

Unfathomable City: A New Orleans Atlas has endless potential as a learning tool for teachers. The maps and corresponding essays of the book can create a context for learning that has the potential to deepen understanding of the sense of place, self-expression, and the unique beauty and challenges of New Orleans through careful reading, writing, and map-making.

In this booklet, you will find seven different project-based lessons by Big Class volunteers that correspond to different chapters from Unfathomable City. Rather than be taken and done verbatim, the idea here is that our lessons will be sparks- either to do a version of the lessons in your classroom or community space, tailored to your students’ needs or to devise lessons of your own.

Please let us know if you use the curriculum or the book in your class. Document it with photos and writing, and we’ll share with other educators on our website. E-mail info@826neworleans.org with your reports!

You can also find these lessons on 826 Digital.