Volunteer of the Month: May 2015

Congrats to our May Volunteer of the Month, Alvin David! Read our interview with Alvin:

What first brought you to Big Class? 
I can’t quite remember, but I think it was shortly after I had just moved to New Orleans in 2012, and I heard about this group working with youth and writing. I enjoy poetry and wrote a bit through college, and wanted a way to connect that interest with the local education scene.
What keeps you coming back?
The smiles of the students and families. It is so validating to our work to see young people and the community celebrate students’ own voices and literary creations.
What are some skills you have that help you out at Big Class?
When I work with students, I try to listen as much as I can. It’s critical that our students know that we are paying attention and are genuinely interested in their work. When working with volunteers, I try to ask myself what I can do to increase sharing and collaboration in our planning.
What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced at Big Class?
I’d say right now we’re facing some inspirational goals around fundraising to be able to continue working with our students and communities. It’s a totally different side of non-profit development that is personally pushing my thinking and the way we think about bringing more people into the Big Class family.
What are some great pieces of writing you’ve helped with? Tell us the story behind them if you can.
I’ve recently been helping behind the scenes with some fundraising efforts since my work schedule doesn’t always allow me to help during in-school or open studio hours. I love seeing our work and our mission communicated in the community and in social media, and and am excited to see our messages amplified!
What are you up to when you’re not volunteering with us?
I try to be and out about in the community for all kinds of education-related events, and there’s a good chance you’ll see me working at Mojo’s on Freret late in the evenings or reading at the Fly on the weekends. 

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