#WritingPromptWednesday: Write a haiku about the last thing you ate

Haiku is a form of poetry, first made popular in Japan, which conveys a vivid message in only 17 syllables. Haiku are valued for their simplicity, openness, depth, and lightness. Haiku poems can describe anything but are usually simple and easy to understand.

Many haiku have a main idea that appeals strongly to one of the five senses. Traditional haiku focus on a season of the year by describing an element from nature. For example, blossoms can indicate spring, snow can evoke winter, or mosquitos can imply summertime. A haiku’s seasonal words aren’t always obvious, so sometimes the reader must consider the theme of the poem to discover the season. For example:

Clouds appear and bring
to men a chance to rest from
looking at the moon

The seasonal word in this haiku is “clouds,” indicating the rainy season.

Try writing your own haiku.

  • Use exactly 17 syllables
  • Arrange syllables in three lines of 5-7-5
  • Avoid similes and metaphors
  • Make your haiku a traditional, seasonal one by referring to a season of the year OR write a modern haiku about the last thing you ate

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