December Volunteer Spotlight: Nancy

This month we’re excited to share about Nancy, an amazing volunteer!

Where are you from?

New Orleans

What first brought you to 826 New Orleans?

826 DC

What keeps you coming back?

Its character and talent like in you kids, the spark of divine fire. Also my roots.

What are some skills you have that help you out at 826 New Orleans?

Prose composition and emotional therapy trying to get the chance to look into each other’s soul and finding out your story. 

What are you up to when you’re not volunteering with us?


Favorite book/ author?

Walker Percy had the biggest influence on me when I was young. Now? You can’t list just one – here are some: Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Nabokov, Graham Greene, Evelyn Waugh, Jan Morris, Balzac…

Favorite snack?


Favorite thing about New Orleans?

Its personality

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