Student Work

This student work was all created at 826 New Orleans.

Who Am I?

"I am a Teenager.
I am a Black Boy.
I am an Athlete."

by Coey, Grade 8,

Is It Tasty, Does It Go to Your Soul?: Five Years of the Pizza Poetry Project

A Royal Ladybug

"I would make poop that smells like caramel.
I would live in a ladybug Mansion.
I would be the richest ladybug
In the world of ladybugs."

by Taylor, Grade 4,

Is It Tasty, Does It Go to Your Soul?: Five Years of the Pizza Poetry Project


"Crawfish need a monument because the crawfish are the food of the state. Crawfish are yummy and the crawfish are good and crawfish are pretty to me."

by Nataleigh, Age 8

Courageous, Eccentric, Diverse: New Monuments for New Orleans

Ruby Bridges

"Was Ruby Bridges old when she fought racism? No, she was not. She was a kid. Ruby Bridges deserves a monument because she fought racism by herself."

by Colby, Age 9

Courageous, Eccentric, Diverse: New Monuments for New Orleans

Solomon Northup

"Did you ever wonder about the past when slaves were around? Well, I know a great slave who lived a long time ago and was the greatest slave that escaped."

by Abigail Matthews, Age 9

Courageous, Eccentric, Diverse: New Monuments for New Orleans

Homer Plessy

"Did you know that Homer Plessy broke the law? But he did it for a good cause."

by Jibril, Age 8

Courageous, Eccentric, Diverse: New Monuments for New Orleans

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